Guest Rant by Phil Nauta, author of Building Soils Naturally: Innovative Methods for Organic Gardeners
Soil pH is talked about a lot in the gardening world, but most people dont understand it, so its generally misused.
Im here to rant about it. To simplify what pH is, its basically a measurement comparing how much hydrogen we have in our soil versus a handful of other nutrients mainly calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and aluminum. The more hydrogen we have, the lower our pH is the more acidic it is. The more of the other nutrients we have, the higher our pH is the more alkaline it is.
The scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, but most soils are between 4 and 9. Its usually best to have a pH somewhere in the middle. Actually, between 6 and 7 is generally considered ideal, which is often be true, but this is where a mistake is often made. If your soil pH is 5.5, the common advice would be to add lime to raise the pH of our 5.5 soil, usually dolomite lime.
Dolomite is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. The calcium and magnesium in the lime will probably knock some of the hydrogen out of the way. That will give us less hydrogen and more of these minerals, therefore raising the pH, at least in the short term.
So the problem is not that dolomite lime wont raise the pH, but that our pH test did not tell us if we actually needed calcium and magnesium. Perhaps we already have too much magnesium, or too much calcium. Its almost certain that we dont need both in the ratio that dolomite lime gives us. Adding more of the wrong nutrient is just going to make things worse. For example, too much magnesium causes some major compaction, among other things.
The reason Im ranting today is because I dont like to see my friends slowly destroying their soil with annual applications of lime, as recommended in in so many of their gardening books.
Looking at the other end of the scale, some high pH soils are due mostly to sodium and potassium, and they actually still need calcium and perhaps magnesium. We wouldnt know that if we just used the pH number as our basis for liming.
The pH does give us a clue that we may have a nutritional and microbial imbalance in our soil, but this gives us no information as to why that may be so. As such, its of very little use to us.
It is not that pH isnt important to plants and microbes. For the most part, were happy to have it be between 6 and 7 to have the healthiest plants.
Knowing the pH value, however, doesnt help us much with soil management decisions, and it certainly shouldnt be used to determine how much lime to add to the soil. pH is the result of the elements in our soil, not the cause.
Now, the reason were happy with a relatively neutral pH is that most nutrients, particularly the most essential nutrients, are most readily available to plants somewhere in the 6-7 pH range, gradually decreasing as the pH gets further up or down the scale. And a potential problem is that some micronutrients become more available outside this range, especially in low pH soil, sometimes to toxic quantities.
So its not that the acidity of a 4.5 pH soil is harmful in of itself; its that most nutrients arent as available to plants, and a few may be too available. Further, many microbes cant live at an extreme pH, so the soil food web will be lacking. But plants that are considered acid-loving dont actually love hydrogen. Instead, there are various benefits they may get out of a lower pH soil. They may just need certain trace minerals in abundance, and those trace minerals are more available in acidic soil. Or they may just need a fungal-dominated soil fungi decrease soil pH, so it may be that these plants dont care at all about the pH, and they just want their fungi.
Rhododendrons, for example, are often thought of as acid-loving. In reality, they love magnesium, which is sometimes more available at a low pH, and they arent particularly fond of calcium. Theyll grow just fine in a high pH soil if they have sufficient magnesium and lots of organic matter. Ive seen huge blueberry harvests on high pH soils.
Trying to make your soil acidic by applying peat moss or chemicals doesnt give the plants the nutrients they need or the biology they need. And trying to make it more alkaline by applying lime will often give the wrong nutrients, causing serious problems.
In my view, what we need to do is focus on a more holistic approach to soil management, such as creating high quality compost and using things like rock dust and seaweed in order to give the plants the chelated minerals they need.
And then the other important step is soil testing. A soil test will not only tell you your pH, but also which minerals need to be added back. It will rarely be dolomite lime.
When all of these factors are brought in line, the pH will follow.
Just leave a comment, preferably telling us what youve done to improve your soil. The winner will be chosen by Random.org.
Via: Please Stop Liming your Soil Based on the pH!