Occasionally gardeners bring in sick or dying plants and ask us to diagnose whats wrong. Most often its improper planting or watering. People tend to plant their plants too deeply which results in suffocation (roots need to breathe!) and trunk/stem rot. Once damaged the plant cant move nutrients up and down the trunk/stem. This is true for trees, shrubs and flowers with stems.
When preparing to plant, be sure to dig a hole twice as wide, but just as deep as the plant is in the pot. Once the plant is in place, cut away any twine or burlap that may be present. Next, backfill the hole with the existing soil that you dug out mixed with up to 50% compost or organic material. Again, make sure not to bury any of the trunk or stem that wasnt already below ground.
To aid watering, create a well around the plant at the edge of the root ball. Once that is done, you can mulch around the tree, but not up against the tree. Water well to let the soil settle and eliminate air pockets.
Remember that all plants planted from about April through the late summer will need to be watered. Many people think that the rain is enough to water a plant, but the rain only gets about an inch or two into the soil and the root ball is 6-12 inches deep.
Watch your new plant for clues too Are the tips of the foliage dry? Leaves curling up? Green stems limp and wilting? Look around at other plants in the area Are they thirsty? If those established plants need water, its likely your new planting does too.
Following the above advice should lead to many happy years with your new plants.
More information with a diagram can be found at
Via: Proper Planting and Watering is Essential
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