TV Show about Lawns in Development
Weve been ranting for years now about the dearth of gardening shows on TV, so imagine my surprise to hear theres a new show about lawns coming from Country Music Television! Yeah, Id never heard of them, either, but Im told theyre the producers of Cupcake Wars. So, Lawn Wars?
Close! Heres the working title: Redneck Lawn Wars. Seriously. I couldnt possibly make that up.
This news came to me via email from a staffer looking for over-the-top creative lawns that are sort of the mouthpiece for owners and show off their obsession with their favorite sport, beer, musician, hobby, etclike a team mascot cut or spray painted into their lawn. The attached flyer gives these examples:
You love Elvisyour shrubs are shaped like Elvis.
Youre a fan of Nascaryou have a mini-Talladega shaved into your lawn, with your shrubs shaped like Kyle Buschs M&M car.
You go to every Bluegrass festival; your grass is blue, with images of fiddles, banjos & mandolins worked into it.
You consider yourself to be Hugh HefnerYou have a 10-foot Playboy bunny symbol etched into your lawn. your bushes are shaped aswell, bushes.
Its enough to make me miss even the stupidest of instant garden make-overs on HGTV.
Scotts Miracle-Gro donates to Romney
The donation itself comes as no surprise, but this article does include some tidbits about the company that I wouldnt have predicted.
- Instead of hiding behind a PAC, Scotts took the unusual step of donating in the light of day and suffering any potential blowback from customers. Sure enough, the Washington Post reporter found a few disgruntled fertilizer shoppers in D.C.
- Scotts chairman and CEO James Hagedorn has taken controversial stands before, like firing workers who refused to quit smoking. Would not have predicted that, but hey, it sure helps the bottom line to eliminate smokers from the health insurance pool.
- And Hagedorns practically a wild card politically, having supported Democrat Ted Strickland in his successful bid to be governor of Ohio.
New Flower-Arranging Show Launches
Finally, a bit of good news for us flower-lovers the launch on the new public television show Flower Empowered featuring floral designerSarah von Pollaro. Her approach is floral design for anyone, on a budget. Sounds good to me.
Via: Lawns in the News, and Flower-Arranging Comes to PBS
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